
Product Details


Dabalash Eye Lash Enhancer 0.18 Fl Oz


  • Dabalash is non irritating ,safe to use with eyelash extensions, but after a few months you won’t even need extensions
  • DabaLash Professional Eyelash Enhancer It is fast, safe and less irritating than other products on the market. Recommended use, twice per day,Instructions included
  • Dabalash is the only Triple action formula for lashes ,brows and in the case gentleman also works for the beard,Dabalash the number one eyelash and brow stimulate
  • sing Dabalash once a day, you will see results in as little as 3-6 weeks, and you will see maximum results within 6-8 weeks after using Dabalash

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How to Use
We recommend using DABALASH once a day.You can use it during daytime or at night.You will start experiencing results within the first 3 weeks, and you will achieve maximum results between 6 – 8 weeks.
Triple action formula, enhances the growth on your eyelashes, your eyebrows and in the case gentleman also works for the beard. Get longer, Fuller and thicker eyelashes and Eyebrows.
Using DABALASH is the perfect companion for your eyes makeup, so your eyes look amazing.Using DABALASH gives you confidence every time you look amazing in front the mirror.